Emfcamp 2024

From Milliways
Revision as of 13:25, 4 January 2024 by Obsidian (talk | contribs)

date & location

May 30th–June 2nd 2024 - Eastnor, UK



communication & information sources

wiki's & pad's

Pads can be created under https://cpad.milliways.info/ Please link here when done.

travelers - add yourself here emfcamp24-participants - update people you know here so we have numbers (important for shopping for food etc)

and please also here in the EMF-Camp Wiki: https://wiki.emfcamp.org/wiki/Village:Milliways

irc for milliways ppl

You find the other milliways people on #milliways on irc.hackint.org, the milliways-emfcamp channel can be found under #milliways-emfcamp

matrix for orga

The orga of the milliways will be found on Matrix at #milliways-emfcamp:milliways.info. The milliways-space with the other milliways channels can be found at #milliways-space:milliways.info

Milliways Challenge Coin

There will be a milliways challenge coin.


British Dome

the British Dome. Where is it? What's the deal?

rented tents

We should rent at least ome main tent again. We should consider buying a kitchen tent.



We need an orga who does this orga thing.


we'll need a kitchen again. Is more self organized than on other camps but ....


Main groceries

List of breweries

crazy ideas

milliways radio

bring back milliways radio on 104.2


milliways has been to nearly all of the emfcamps. We plan to do that again in 2024.

Relevant old wiki pages with content are here: