toorcamp 2022
Lets do it. ok, when we can.
Date & Location
13. - 17. July 2022
San Juan Islands, USA
communication & information sources
wiki's & pad's
Pads can be created under Please link here when done.
travelers - add yourself here
toorcamp22-participants - update people you know here so we have numbers (important for shopping for food etc)
and please also here in the toorcamp Wiki:
(when that exists)
irc for milliways ppl
You find the other milliways people on #milliways on,
matrix for orga
The orga of the milliways will be found on Matrix at
the plan
Currently we're trying to get an impression on how many people want to join.
Based on that we should make a plan on how we want to rock emfcamp.
We also will have a discussion on go/nogo conditions.
currently you'll likely find most informations at the matrix channel