
From Milliways

We want to build and provide a space for a solar punk driven subvillage. We will support the milliways kitchen with a tea tent and a common area for meetups, kinda like our intergalactic friends from la quadrature du net at other locations.

village infos
Name solarlounge

We invite you, fellow traveler, to join us and help making the solar lounge happen! Or just come over for cup of tea :)

Contact: ava , solarkraft , Beijaflor


( lets see what we can provide / will the Crew and others bring )

Tents / Tarpes / Shade / Pavillions

  • possible a lager commen tent from the milliways infentary

Space for selforganized session , used group, workshops, meetsups

Water - we will be located nearby the market quare an kitchen so we will have running water for the self serving tea station

Boiler, tea and equipment around the Byotea Tea Tent should by at best ordered. See the Amazon Wishlist / the Gitea


  • minimum of 2 Infomonitors for graphana and the schedular etc
  • places for angles

( will be provided from the Infopoint team around hanemile )


Haredware share point

Do we want to organize a hardware share point / cons we my end up with e-waste

Recycling an trash

  • do we want and can provide shared spaces for more groups  ?


We encourage a less power heavy infrastructure usage.

To what extent will we be able to power ourselves renewably? Could anyone provide Balkonkraftwerk equipment? Could we collectively order a bunch of big solar panels?

- Will bring 25W solar panel & 12V lead-acid battery Lorphos (talk) 05:43, 6 August 2023 (UTC)

Can we bake or cook with solar power? Perhaps store the day's heat (mass/hand warmer style)?




  • Matrix self-help / productive complaints
  • Something about NixOS (emile?)
  • Feel free to join up and invite our friends and folks around topics like solarpunk, hard- and software security
  • we wont a timetable for Meetups
  • there is a CTF challenge lock it up


Planning call

Meeting's take place in the Milliways Jitsi:

Tuesdays evening around 7:30ish