
From Milliways
village infos
Name teurcamp
Origin USA

Once again we’re organizing a village at the Chaos Communication Camp in 2023. We’re bringing all of the awesomeness of ToorCamp to CCC Camp to show them how us Americans do it!

Instead of us supplying food, tents, etc this year, we'll be relying more heavily on the Milliways camp that generously hosts us to provide food for us all and if you need help with travel or tent arrangements, please post about it on the forum so we can help each other make it out to camp! We can't wait to see you all there!

If you want to bring out an awesome project, post about it to the forum so we can help you bring it out to camp. We can’t wait to see you all there!

Villagers List

If you want to be a part of the tEUrCamp village, please just add your name to the list below so we know how much space to allocate in our area for campers. Also feel free to add your info to the Van Schedule section so we can try to carpool out and at least keep track of when everyone will be arriving.

Van Schedule

If you'd like a ride to or from the airport, please post your info here so we can try to provide rides for everyone who needs them.

Time Location People Have car or need ride?
Monday, 8/14/23
11:30 BER h1kari Picking up camper van
16:00 BER lanrat ?
08:20 (UA 234) BER subgraf Interested in a ride
Tuesday, 8/15/23
00:00 BER ? ?
Time Location People Have car or need ride?
Saturday, 8/19/23
17:00 Berlin h1kari Returning camper van
(no specific time) Berlin subgraf Interested in a ride
Sunday, 8/20/23
00:00 BER ? ?

Village Schedule

Time Event Description
Tuesday 8/15/23
8:00-12:00 Ada's Cafe Regular hours for Ada's Cafe espresso service. Outside of this time, the equipment will be available for people to use themselves or practice on.
18:00-18:30 Orientation At this meeting we'll meet all the other organizers behind Milliways and the other associated villages, get a quick rundown on how the camp works, and put together a list of things we'd like to learn from the CCC orga.
Wednesday 8/16/23
8:00-12:00 Ada's Cafe Regular hours for Ada's Cafe espresso service. Outside of this time, the equipment will be available for people to use themselves or practice on.
Thursday 8/17/23
8:00-12:00 Ada's Cafe Regular hours for Ada's Cafe espresso service. Outside of this time, the equipment will be available for people to use themselves or practice on.
18:00-19:00 Thought Exchange Lets meet up to discuss things that we like about camp and anything we're curious about learning more about.
Friday 8/18/23
8:00-12:00 Ada's Cafe Regular hours for Ada's Cafe espresso service. Outside of this time, the equipment will be available for people to use themselves or practice on.
Saturday 8/19/23
8:00-12:00 Ada's Cafe Regular hours for Ada's Cafe espresso service. Outside of this time, the equipment will be available for people to use themselves or practice on.
18:00-19:00 Thought Exchange Lets meet up to discuss things that we like about camp and anything we're curious about learning more about.

Build-out Schedule


  • Pick up espresso equipment
  • Inflate dome
  • Set up cafe
  • Sign build-out
  • Build kid dome


  • Camp starts!

Hacker Camp Exchange

Part of our motivation of building a village at CCCamp was to get our attendees and staff from our US camp to come out and learn from the CCC organization that's been doing this for 30+ years. To help facilitate this, we're planning on having a camp orientation on the first night to go over some of the CCCamp basics, then we'll have 2 check-in meetings throughout the camp so you can ask questions and so we can get feedback on how we can make the next ToorCamp even better. For those interested in how the different departments within the camp operate, we'll also be scheduling tours of every aspect of the camp orga that we'll be adding to the schedule shortly.

tEUrCamp Prime Dome

We're building an inflatable dome that's around 12' tall / 25' diameter which is just under the max height and size that we're allowed to build. This dome will house the Ada's Cafe and have some seating for people to use.

tEUrCamp Sign

This is a smaller version of the sign at ToorCamp that we built at the last camp (2019). Zach Archer has provided us with all of the code and bill of materials he used for controlling the sign and we have everything from last time so it should be fairly straight forward setting it back up and programming it to do cool stuff.

User:sharebrained is attending and expecting to take responsibility for this, assuming he can remember what he did. ;-)

Ada's Cafe

We're going to team up with Milliways to bring something like the Ada's Cafe to our village for serving Espresso drinks, Coffee, Tea, etc for donations to help benefit Milliways.

Other Ideas!!!!

I know that many of you have lots of other great ideas of things we can bring out to Europe to better represent what we've built in the US, so send your ideas here so we can get other volunteers involved to make them a reality.

  • Espresso shot-pulling lessons!