
From Milliways

if you have a ticket, add yourself here. please make sure to sign up for volunteering, too.

The following table is autogenerated using the camp23 template, add the following to your user page to be included below (click on your name on the top right and select "Edit with form"!


(camp23_plus_x is the amount of people you are bringing that are not on this wiki (family, other people, ...))


(replace "Hanemile" with your name below and edit the form)

The page won't be automatically updated (semantic mediawiki quirk), you can flush the cache by clicking on "More" -> "Refresh" in the top right bar (left next to the search bar).

08-10 (Th) Day -5

Count: 14: AVA, AilaG, Assa, Beijaflor, Davidc, Firel0x, Kolhell, L3D,, Oxmox, Russ, Salt, Tido, Willscott

08-11 (Fr) Day -4

Count: 19: 2zentibel, AVA, AilaG, Assa, Beijaflor, Coderobe, Davidc, Firel0x, Kolhell, L3D,, Mirsal, OTTer, Oxmox, Rosie, Russ, Salt, Tido, Willscott

08-12 (Sa) Day -3

Count: 25: 2zentibel, AVA, AilaG, Andreas1337, Apietsch, Assa, Beijaflor, Coderobe, Davidc, Discontinuity, Firel0x, Kolhell, L3D, Manu,, Mirsal, OTTer, Obsidian, Oxmox, Rosie, Russ, Salt, Tido, Tuxcoder, Willscott

08-13 (Su) Day -2

Count: 47: 2zentibel, 4ndr3, AVA, AilaG, Allie, Andreas1337, Apietsch, Assa, Astrid, Beijaflor, Cobordism, Coderobe, Davidc, Discontinuity, DrRetro, Ethulhu, Firel0x, Foxboron, Gatekeeper, Geregelt, Haegar, Hibby, Kite, Kolhell, Kraln, L3D, Lemsip, Ljrk, Manu,, Midder, Mirsal, MoeglicheWelten, Mrsquid, Nano, OTTer, Obsidian, Oxmox, Rosie, Russ, Salt, Sather, SleepyEntropy, Tido, Tuxcoder, Vishnee, Willscott

08-14 (Mo) Day -1

Count: 97: +s, 2zentibel, 4ndr3, AVA, AilaG, Allie, Andreas1337, AndreasThinks, Anonpanda, Apietsch, Assa, Astrid, Beijaflor, Blueloop, Cavallium, Cibomahto, Cobordism, Coderobe, Crypt, Davidc, Derschulze, Discontinuity, DrRetro, Dvb, Elshid, Ethulhu, Fellmoon, Fiktiv, Firel0x, Flauschi, Formicidae, Foxboron, Foxo, Gatekeeper, Genevieve, Geregelt, Gianlazz, H1kari, Haegar, Hibby, Hso, JimGM0UIN, Jonty, Kekhmet, Kezi, Kib, Kirushik, Kite, Kolhell, Kraln, L3D, LANRAT, Lemsip, Ljrk, Lorphos, Lucent, Lynx, Madmeow, Manu, Markstein, Martin,, Midder, Mirsal, MoeglicheWelten, Mrsquid, Nano, Nils, OTTer, Obsidian, Oxmox, Pepyakin, PetePriority, Pez, Reinisv, RonnyLV, Rosie, RoughConsensusAndRunningCode, Russ, Salt, Sather, Scraun, Skrubis, SleepyEntropy, Solarkraft, Speedj, Steven, Subgraf, Tido, Tj, Tripleight, Tuxcoder, Vetraskr, Vishnee, Willscott, Wrath, Wren

08-15 (Tu) Day 0

Count: 122: +s, 2zentibel, 4ndr3, AVA, AilaG, Alienmaster, Allie, Andreas1337, AndreasThinks, Anonpanda, Apietsch, Assa, Astrid, Beijaflor, Blueloop, Caust1c, Cavallium, Cibomahto, Cobordism, Coderobe, Crypt, Davidc, Derschulze, Discontinuity, DrRetro, Dvb, Efrowning, Elshid, Ethulhu, Fellmoon, Fiktiv, Firel0x, Flauschi, Formicidae, Foxboron, Foxo, Gatekeeper, Genevieve, Geregelt, Gianlazz, H1kari, Haegar, Hibby, Hso, JimGM0UIN, Jonty, Kakekongen, Kekhmet, Kezi, Kib, Kirushik, Kite, Kolhell, Kraln, Kriwkrow, L3D, LANRAT, Lemsip, Ljrk, Lorphos, Lucent, Lynx, Madmeow, Manu, Marcis, Markstein, Martin, Matt, MattG, Mattjoyce,, Midder, Mirsal, MoeglicheWelten, Mrsquid, Nano, Neuratix, Nicko, Nils, NinjaLikesCheez, No maam, OTTer, Obsidian, Oxmox, Pepyakin, Pera, PetePriority, Pez, Reinisv, RonnyLV, Rosie, RoughConsensusAndRunningCode, Russ, Sahko, Salt, SamLR, Sather, Scraun, Shadghost, Shill, Skrubis, SleepyEntropy, Solarkraft, Speedj, Steven, Subgraf, Supersat, Tido, Tj, ToastKing, Tommyboy, Tripleight, Tuxcoder, Vetraskr, Vigilante, Vishnee, Vito, Willscott, Windrushfarer, Wrath, Wren, Xw

08-16 (We) Day 1

Count: 124: +s, 2zentibel, 4ndr3, AVA, AilaG, Alienmaster, Allie, Andreas1337, AndreasThinks, Anonpanda, Apietsch, Assa, Astrid, Bashexplode, Beijaflor, Blueloop, Caust1c, Cavallium, Cibomahto, Cobordism, Coderobe, Crypt, Davidc, Derschulze, Discontinuity, DrRetro, Dvb, Efrowning, Elshid, Ethulhu, Fellmoon, Fiktiv, Firel0x, Flauschi, Formicidae, Foxboron, Foxo, Gatekeeper, Genevieve, Geregelt, Gianlazz, Gmackie, H1kari, Haegar, Hibby, Hso, JimGM0UIN, Jonty, Kakekongen, Kekhmet, Kezi, Kib, Kirushik, Kite, Kolhell, Kraln, Kriwkrow, L3D, LANRAT, Lemsip, Ljrk, Lorphos, Lucent, Lynx, Madmeow, Manu, Marcis, Markstein, Martin, Matt, MattG, Mattjoyce,, Midder, Mirsal, MoeglicheWelten, Mrsquid, Nano, Neuratix, Nicko, Nils, NinjaLikesCheez, No maam, OTTer, Obsidian, Oxmox, Pepyakin, Pera, PetePriority, Pez, Reinisv, RonnyLV, Rosie, RoughConsensusAndRunningCode, Russ, Sahko, Salt, SamLR, Sather, Scraun, Shadghost, Shill, Skrubis, SleepyEntropy, Solarkraft, Speedj, Steven, Subgraf, Supersat, Tido, Tj, ToastKing, Tommyboy, Tripleight, Tuxcoder, Vetraskr, Vigilante, Vishnee, Vito, Willscott, Windrushfarer, Wrath, Wren, Xw

08-17 (Th) Day 2

Count: 123: +s, 2zentibel, 4ndr3, AVA, AilaG, Alienmaster, Allie, Andreas1337, AndreasThinks, Anonpanda, Apietsch, Assa, Astrid, Bashexplode, Beijaflor, Blueloop, Caust1c, Cavallium, Cibomahto, Cobordism, Coderobe, Crypt, Davidc, Derschulze, Discontinuity, DrRetro, Dvb, Efrowning, Elshid, Ethulhu, Fellmoon, Fiktiv, Firel0x, Flauschi, Formicidae, Foxboron, Foxo, Gatekeeper, Genevieve, Geregelt, Gianlazz, Gmackie, H1kari, Haegar, Hibby, Hso, JimGM0UIN, Jonty, Kakekongen, Kekhmet, Kezi, Kib, Kirushik, Kite, Kolhell, Kraln, Kriwkrow, L3D, LANRAT, Ljrk, Lorphos, Lucent, Lynx, Madmeow, Manu, Marcis, Markstein, Martin, Matt, MattG, Mattjoyce,, Midder, Mirsal, MoeglicheWelten, Mrsquid, Nano, Neuratix, Nicko, Nils, NinjaLikesCheez, No maam, OTTer, Obsidian, Oxmox, Pepyakin, Pera, PetePriority, Pez, Reinisv, RonnyLV, Rosie, RoughConsensusAndRunningCode, Russ, Sahko, Salt, SamLR, Sather, Scraun, Shadghost, Shill, Skrubis, SleepyEntropy, Solarkraft, Speedj, Steven, Subgraf, Supersat, Tido, Tj, ToastKing, Tommyboy, Tripleight, Tuxcoder, Vetraskr, Vigilante, Vishnee, Vito, Willscott, Windrushfarer, Wrath, Wren, Xw

08-18 (Fr) Day 3

Count: 123: +s, 2zentibel, 4ndr3, AVA, AilaG, Alienmaster, Allie, Andreas1337, AndreasThinks, Anonpanda, Apietsch, Assa, Astrid, Bashexplode, Beijaflor, Blueloop, Caust1c, Cavallium, Cibomahto, Cobordism, Coderobe, Crypt, Davidc, Derschulze, Discontinuity, DrRetro, Dvb, Efrowning, Elshid, Ethulhu, Fellmoon, Fiktiv, Firel0x, Flauschi, Formicidae, Foxboron, Foxo, Gatekeeper, Genevieve, Geregelt, Gianlazz, Gmackie, H1kari, Haegar, Hibby, Hso, JimGM0UIN, Jonty, Kakekongen, Kekhmet, Kezi, Kib, Kirushik, Kite, Kolhell, Kraln, Kriwkrow, L3D, LANRAT, Ljrk, Lorphos, Lucent, Lynx, Madmeow, Manu, Marcis, Markstein, Martin, Matt, MattG, Mattjoyce,, Midder, Mirsal, MoeglicheWelten, Mrsquid, Nano, Neuratix, Nicko, Nils, NinjaLikesCheez, No maam, OTTer, Obsidian, Oxmox, Pepyakin, Pera, PetePriority, Pez, Reinisv, RonnyLV, Rosie, RoughConsensusAndRunningCode, Russ, Sahko, Salt, SamLR, Sather, Scraun, Shadghost, Shill, Skrubis, SleepyEntropy, Solarkraft, Speedj, Steven, Subgraf, Supersat, Tido, Tj, ToastKing, Tommyboy, Tripleight, Tuxcoder, Vetraskr, Vigilante, Vishnee, Vito, Willscott, Windrushfarer, Wrath, Wren, Xw

08-19 (Sa) Day 4

Count: 116: +s, 2zentibel, 4ndr3, AVA, AilaG, Alienmaster, Allie, Andreas1337, AndreasThinks, Anonpanda, Apietsch, Assa, Astrid, Bashexplode, Beijaflor, Blueloop, Caust1c, Cavallium, Cibomahto, Cobordism, Coderobe, Crypt, Davidc, Derschulze, Discontinuity, DrRetro, Dvb, Efrowning, Elshid, Ethulhu, Fellmoon, Fiktiv, Firel0x, Flauschi, Formicidae, Foxboron, Foxo, Gatekeeper, Genevieve, Geregelt, Gmackie, H1kari, Haegar, Hibby, Hso, JimGM0UIN, Kakekongen, Kekhmet, Kezi, Kib, Kirushik, Kite, Kolhell, Kraln, L3D, LANRAT, Ljrk, Lorphos, Lucent, Madmeow, Manu, Marcis, Markstein, Martin, Matt, MattG, Mattjoyce,, Midder, Mirsal, Mrsquid, Nano, Neuratix, Nicko, Nils, NinjaLikesCheez, No maam, OTTer, Obsidian, Oxmox, Pepyakin, Pera, PetePriority, Pez, Reinisv, RonnyLV, Rosie, RoughConsensusAndRunningCode, Russ, Sahko, Salt, SamLR, Sather, Shadghost, Shill, Skrubis, SleepyEntropy, Solarkraft, Speedj, Steven, Subgraf, Supersat, Tido, Tj, ToastKing, Tommyboy, Tripleight, Tuxcoder, Vetraskr, Vigilante, Vishnee, Vito, Willscott, Wrath, Wren, Xw

08-20 (Su) Day +5

Count: 87: +s, 2zentibel, AVA, AilaG, Alienmaster, Allie, Andreas1337, Anonpanda, Assa, Astrid, Bashexplode, Beijaflor, Blueloop, Caust1c, Coderobe, Crypt, Davidc, Derschulze, Discontinuity, DrRetro, Efrowning, Elshid, Ethulhu, Fiktiv, Firel0x, Flauschi, Formicidae, Foxboron, Foxo, Gatekeeper, Genevieve, Haegar, Hibby, JimGM0UIN, Kakekongen, Kekhmet, Kite, Kolhell, Kraln, L3D, Ljrk, Lucent, Madmeow, Manu, Marcis, Markstein, Martin, MattG,, Midder, Mirsal, Nano, Neuratix, Nicko, Nils, NinjaLikesCheez, No maam, OTTer, Obsidian, Oxmox, Pera, Pez, Reinisv, RonnyLV, Rosie, RoughConsensusAndRunningCode, Russ, Salt, Sather, Shadghost, Shill, Skrubis, SleepyEntropy, Speedj, Supersat, Tido, Tj, ToastKing, Tripleight, Tuxcoder, Vetraskr, Vishnee, Vito, Willscott, Wrath, Wren, Xw

08-21 (Mo) Day +6

Count: 17: AVA, AilaG, Alienmaster, Andreas1337, Anonpanda, Beijaflor, Davidc, Kite, Kolhell, L3D, Mirsal, Nano, Nils, NinjaLikesCheez, Oxmox, Salt, Tido

08-22 (Tu) Day +7

Count: 5: Alienmaster, Kolhell, Nils, NinjaLikesCheez, Salt

08-23 (We) Day +8

Count: 5: Alienmaster, Kolhell, Nils, NinjaLikesCheez, Salt

List of people with the camp23 template on their page

The weird "23 JL" means that the person has not or wrongly inserted the date/time on their page (they might not know when they arrive or so).

 NicknameCamp23 arrivalCamp23 departureCamp23 dectCamp23 plus x
+s+s14 August 2023 12:00:0020 August 2023 12:00:00
11 August 2023 12:00:0020 August 2023 12:00:000
13 August 2023 17:00:0319 August 2023 18:31:280
6eauX24 August 2023 12:34:5628 August 2023 20:20:427,5990
A2A223 JL23 JL
AVAAVA10 August 2023 12:00:0021 August 2023 13:00:003,0173
AilaGailaG23 JL21 August 2023 17:00:000
AlienmasterAlienmaster15 August 2023 02:00:0023 August 2023 18:31:282,6125
AllieAllie13 August 2023 02:00:0020 August 2023 18:31:280
Andreas1337Andreas133712 August 2023 19:28:5721 August 2023 19:32:24
AndreasThinksAndreasThinks14 August 2023 14:33:3119 August 2023 21:33:315,8190
AnonpandaAnonpanda/Trashpanda14 August 2023 13:00:3721 August 2023 13:00:371
Apietschapietsch12 August 2023 12:00:0019 August 2023 23:00:00
Assaassa10 August 2023 11:23:1220 August 2023 11:23:127,3310
AstridAstrid13 August 2023 23:25:5220 August 2023 23:25:520
Bashexplodebash explode16 August 2023 05:02:3920 August 2023 05:02:3900
BeijaflorBeijaflor12 July 2023 23:42:0021 August 2023 13:12:002
BlueloopBlueloop14 August 2023 19:30:1220 August 2023 09:30:121
Cartoncarton23 JL23 JL
Caust1ccaust1c15 August 2023 23:02:4720 August 2023 23:02:470
CavalliumCavallium14 August 2023 00:00:0020 August 2023 00:00:00
Cibomahtocibomahto14 August 2023 21:00:5719 August 2023 21:00:570
Cnmcnm23 JL23 JL
Cobordismcobordism13 August 2023 14:33:4119 August 2023 14:33:414,6531
Coderobecoderobe11 August 2023 02:00:0120 August 2023 22:00:01
CryptCrypt14 August 2023 20:00:0020 August 2023 09:00:000
Davidcdavidc9 August 2023 23:09:5921 August 2023 23:09:59
Derschulzederschulze14 August 2023 02:00:0120 August 2023 22:00:01
Discontinuitydiscontinuity12 August 2023 13:00:0020 August 2023 13:00:002,2621
DrRetro13 August 2023 12:00:0020 August 2023 14:00:001
Dvbdvb14 August 2023 12:23:4219 August 2023 20:42:230
Efrowning15 August 2023 14:00:0020 August 2023 18:00:001
ElshidElshid14 August 2023 18:00:0020 August 2023 12:00:00
EthulhuEth13 August 2023 09:00:0020 August 2023 09:00:000
FellmoonFellmoon14 August 2023 19:34:4719 August 2023 18:31:28
FiktivFiktiv14 August 2023 19:00:0020 August 2023 10:00:00
Firel0xfirel0x10 August 2023 23:00:0020 August 2023 14:00:006,4200
FlauschiFlauschi14 August 2023 16:00:0020 August 2023 16:00:007,8420
Formicidaeformicidae14 August 2023 19:00:0020 August 2023 10:00:00
FoxboronFoxboron13 August 2023 18:00:0020 August 2023 10:00:0010
FoxoFoxo14 August 2023 09:00:0020 August 2023 08:00:00
Gatekeepergatekeeper13 August 2023 08:00:0020 August 2023 13:00:000
Genevievegenevieve14 August 2023 16:00:0020 August 2023 16:00:003,2371
GeregeltGeregelt13 August 2023 02:00:0019 August 2023 18:31:280
GianlazzGian14 August 2023 17:10:0918 August 2023 09:10:091
Gmackiegmackie16 August 2023 12:00:0019 August 2023 12:00:000
H1karih1kari14 August 2023 21:00:0019 August 2023 14:00:00
HaegarHaegar13 August 2023 19:27:0920 August 2023 19:27:0900
HanemileHanemile15 August 2023 02:00:0014 August 2023 23:25:023,6480
Hibbyhibby13 August 2023 09:04:4120 August 2023 09:04:41
... further results