
From Milliways

38c3 happens at the common date between xmas and nye in the CCH in Hamburg. Get a hotel nearby.

38c3-travelers - Who will join us?

38c3-ticket-trade - Still need a ticket? Still have a ticket to spare?


38c3-presence - Who arrives and leaves when?


your subvillage here

  • 1. subvillage
  • 2. subvillage

crazy ideas

  • go here

Goal: have more than just "whiskeyleaks" as the main milliways event, about one "event" a day should be the goal for now.

International Meetup

  • Fancy meeting people from elsewhere, but stuck in hamburg during congress? Don't wory! There are lots of people from all over the world at congress, you just need to find them. In order to make it easier, lets meet around the milliways area on day ... at ... o'clock.
  • Have a club mate and chat with people! If you need help finding people to chat with, try to find someone with a milliways sticker or so and ask them about it!


Day has to be fixed.

camp retro

a review of the camp. What went well, what went shit, what needs a concept upgrade and what are things we should keep doing?

writing postcards to jail

we want to give people the chance to write to some hackers leakers and like-minded people postcards and letters. We also try to set up something we can send them books and alike.


  • table
  • PR (fem)
  • postcards (fem design ideas)
  • pens


Was successful on camp. Lets do it again.

only pirated movies allowed. Arr.

  • 23
  • hackers
  • wargames
  • tron
  • sneakers

there is no bar

we will never ever run a secret bar with some kegs. Noone would do something like this.