CCCamp 2023-infodesk
- secretary
- social media
- heaven
the secretary will evolve into a infodesk team. This team will also cover social media and this wiki.
Ressources on camp needed
- infodesk hut, water proof
- Printer
- Phone
- land line ISDN phone in booth
- phone contact list
- social media accounts
- access to account.
- function as a kind of "router" and "general contact person" for all milliways related questions.
Print "inbox" letters: In case of to much stuff going on or one not being at the infodesk, people should be able to fill out some kind of form with a request. These forms containing the requests can be used to forward the information (and in order to make sure the information doesn't get lost).
Contents of the form:
- Main (WHAT is the request about?)
- Time (WHEN did the request get in?)
- Nick (WHO Was the request from?)
- Details (some space for more information)
The form can be filled out by the person currently at the infodesk, but also by the people coming to the infodesk
social media
- handle twitter (should it still exist then) and mastodon posts
- regular status updates (food, menu, lounge, talks, ...)
- reply to questions
heaven (in case we handle some kind of engelsystem)
- make sure that we get some people that for example help out cooking (also through social media)
- maybe this can be combined with the main engelsystem