Lenticular Cloud/Migration

From Milliways
Revision as of 22:05, 9 September 2018 by Tuxcoder (talk | contribs) (→‎DNS Change)
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It has to be activated fist under https://account.milliways.info/, in the section Services.

You can activate you master password or add a different one. For more information see Lenticular_Cloud/Account#Services

DNS Change

The server domain for imap/smtp/mangesive has switched from `milliways.info` to `mail.milliways.info`


Roundcube can now be found at https://roundcube.milliways.info



It has to be activated fist under https://account.milliways.info/, in the section Services.

Changin URL

The URL of Seafile changes, this can be edited in the client under settings. new: https://seafile.milliways.info/


Now we are using radicale instant of owncloud.

Please transfer you contacts and dates to the new system.

This should work with thunderbird.