38c3 voucer queue
One person per line! If you need 2 tickets you need 2 lines. This is that we can use the count functionality of the Mediawiki.
Also please make sure that the people handling this voucers later have a way to contact you. Being in the matrix / irc room with the same nick (and actually reading that) should do it.
- mc.fly
- Johnny Xmas
- Johnny Xmas
- cookingroffa
- mwfc
- Nina
- Malaclypse
- namero
- Ⅹ
- zer0
- Daniel (Skrizi)
- Mirko Adam
- coderobe
- coderobe +1
- sleepyentropy
- sleepyentropy +1
- sannoso
- ava
- ava +1
- kraln
- mitch
- cqc
- leibert
- edk
- webhat
- webhat +1
- mareike
- Dutchmartin
- Armin
- tr4ck3ur
- Tido
- Tido +1
- Foxboron
- willscott
- willscott +1
- ryd
- tdr112
- tdr112 +1
- krolden
- murb
- haegar
- nyx
- nyx + 1
- ryd + 1
- river
- [tj] (but only for the first two days and then will consider "dropping" the wrist band for some minor financing)
- junglerot
- junglerot +1
- Malaclypse +1
- gracc
- qt
- boreq
- boreq + 1
- Malaclypse +1
- kgz
- kgz + 1
- flex
- flex + 1
- petepriority
- carton
- carton's +1
- ArisValeborn
- cityroler
- plasma
- cqc +1
- warpfork
- warpfork +1
- hanemile
- tprg
- tprg +1
- Tprg +2
- i_ball
- i_ball +1
- i_ball + 2
- sather
- sather +1
- katia
- katia +1
- Wall-e
- Wall-e
- j5
- j5 +1
- jemma
- jemma +1