- February Meeting (2023-02-21 20:00)
- participants
- hanemile
- 6eau
- cy
- mitch
- ilja
- leo/janis
- NinjaLikesCheez
- Salt
- Will
- Sheperd
- TPrg
- Shill
- Openfly
- marcin
- Erik Tews
- Glen
- squidget
- awtnmy
- dr4c4n
- superq
- Will
- Shadow
- pandora
- pidgey
- pastitas
- meg
- shadghost
- Agenda
- Any essential teams missing? Should we make a larger "call for team people" or so? - Communicate Water, Power and Dirtwater needs to camp23 at - update channel topic to show next meeting - water sprayer to keep road dust from being as problematic as CCCamp2019 - further points
- voucherlist: add yourself if you're not on yet!
- hackers on a plane
create a page
- protocol
- Beer
- We need someone who needs to be able to speak German to be responsible
- keeps track of beer keg requests or groups buying whole kegs, keeping an eye on the wiki & talking to the vendor
- cy and leo/janis (+ possibly bere, their gf) volunteered
- start a Milliways organization (that isn't Milliways)
- Needed: a Dutch person with a BSN
- NinjaLikesCheez volunteered
- Someone with a credit card company would make collecting money before CCCamp easier.
- A lot less bureaucracy to create an organization in NL than in DE.
- Name ideas: Magrathea?
- content
- Talks at Milliways
- others interested in helping: shadow, awtnmy
- Separate meeting for content will be planned
- CfP should be made (content team will meet seperately)
- The Hardware Hacking Area will be separate content (at the Huge Belgian Bus)
- is in contact with a company to construct a small amplitheater
- kitchen
- superq can do kitchen
- Marcin and Will voluneers to be part of the kitchen
- people who want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen should get their health certification (not required, but highly desired by CCCamp orga):
- In CCCamp2019 we went through 5 tank bottles, but we had 15 tank (10Kg propane tanks)
* the person organizing the gas tanks didn't arrange for a forklift for the tanks to be picked up after CCCamp, and the gas company was upset
- has several 16Kg propane tanks that he can get to CCCamp2023
- bakery
- We should have a bakery again! We need volunteers -- especially the bakery lead(s). superq says we need ~25Kg flour per day. We have a proper baking oven.
- we want to run a bakery, Lotte is in austria.
- exquipment and experience exist
- Shill, Tprg volunteered
- music, sound, light
- people who do this aren't at this meeting
- Plan B for a conference tent
- Please search for a really awesome conference tent in Germany (in case we can't get the cool small amplitheater)
* 200 people * fireproof * windproof * pretty much every comercially rentable tent * shouldn't be all to shady
- Make sure all the knives are sharp!
- Glen is available again.
- Infrastructure teams (power, light, decoration, music, water)
- Shadow volunteers for Infrastructure team for water (and also other parts if needed)
- We should give CCCamp orga with info for water input needs and waste water output estimates
- SuperQ says there were no measurements for CCCamp2019, but it was a lot!
- We should measure this CCCamp2023.
* water counter
- water sprayer
- We can use a hose with a sprayer nozzel
- It would be good to have a guide for North Americans taking a first trip to EU
- Covid
- Who knows?
- Challenge Coin
- Needs to be properly done. We need a design.
- Openfly will have a vendor send direct to EU address.