CCCamp 2019-orga
CCC Camp 2019 Orga page
- tuxcoder
- ninab
- mwfc
- superq
- miketango
- Valka
communication + orga space
rocket chat of the CCC, channel #milliways
a milliways redmine, to be set up.
job descriptions
main person with a poke stick
poke people so they do things
We'll need a secretary. Shibumi did this on ccc camp 2015 and that rocked!
This is a "on camp job"
That's the person that will get dect gsm twitter irc rocket - all of the things. We give out this number to external and internal people.
Miketango has GSM.
buildup & takedown manager
- be there early,
- kick people's butt that stuff gets set up and not only weedsmoking.
- have an overview what comes when,
- be on ground early,
- leave late.
18:44 <mcfly> then we need a person with C1E, CE or else - truck driving licence. ideally has driven (small) trucks before and takes over buildup logistics. that'll
be some 1Mm of distance to drive before and after.