Challenge coins

From Milliways
Some of the Milliways coins.
Even more of the Milliways coins.
Milliways coins enjoying Chaos Communication Camp 2019.

Milliways creates so called "challenge coins" for every event we make an appearance at. Coins are a nice piece of memorabilia to remember the past events by. Each coin features a unique design related to the theme of the particular event. The other side of the coin usually features the Milliways logo. Usually there exist multiple coin designs for a particular event.

If you would like to get a Milliways coin visit us at an event and ask! We may also have leftover coins from past events so you still have a chance to get those as well.

How to make a coin

It's important to note that the official Milliways Challenge Coins used at each event must be approved by the Milliways Reiseleitung for the specific event the coin is being made for.

Ask in the Milliways Matrix if there is already an event specific room and Reiseleitung about this before moving ahead on your own.

  • Have a vector graphic design ready in either SVG or PDF
    • There are many tools available, a good free option is Inkscape, the paid industry standard option is Adobe Illustrator
    • There is no single 'Milliways Graphic Designer' rather, we encourage anyone to try their hand at creating fun and appropriate designs!
    • For the Milliways logo, we do ask you to use our logo without modification.
    • For individual elements of our logo, see logo for more information.
    • For event specific designs / themes, check the event's wiki, communication or brand packs for assets, logo's and guidelines.
  • We have a contact at GS-JJ who we send our coin design files to.
    • For obvious reasons, their direct contact address is not shared here, but it is available on the Milliways Matrix in the merch room.
  • Our contact at GS-JJ will transform the design files into proofs and send these to you.
    • Encounter any problems with the proofs? Let them know and they'll work with you to get the proofs corrected.
    • Like the proofs? Have approval to order from Milliways Reiseleitung? Send your agreement back to GS-JJ!
  • GS-JJ will send you a payment link
    • Payment will consist of:
      • Base unit price
      • Discount price based on quantity of coins ordered
      • Mold Fee
      • Any extra fee (think of perhaps UV coating, glow in the dark, different materials etc)
    • Once paid, the coins will be taken to production and shipped to the address you provided during the ordering phase.
  • You should end up with a parcel of Milliways Challenge Coins
    • If you're part of Reiseleitung, you know what to do with them at an event.
    • Not part of Reiseleitung? Well now you'll learn from them what to do with the coins at the event.


Electromagnetic Field



Chaos Communication Camp


May Contain Hackers


Electromagnetic Field



Chaos Communication Camp




Electromagnetic Field


Still Hacking Anyway




Electromagnetic Field


Chaos Communication Camp



Electromagnetic Field



Observe. Hack. Make.




Chaos Communication Camp