WHY 2025

From Milliways
Revision as of 12:29, 23 May 2024 by Obsidian (talk | contribs)

What Hackers Yearn 2025
The NL camp
Start date 2025-08-08
End date 2025-08-12
Location Geestmerambacht


What Hackers Yearn is the dutch camp organised by IFCAT.
WHY is the successor to MCH, SHA, OHM, etc.

Recent News

  • Want to see & meet at the terrain? Fieldday is scheduled 14th - 15th - 16th of June
  • Sometimes we attend the WHY Orga meetings, you can read our notes on these here.
    • We attended the 1st Orga Jitsi on May 22nd!




Communication for Milliways at WHY 2025 will be in a bridged room between irc and matrix. Both rooms have the same information.

   IRC: join #milliways-why2025 at irc.hackint.org
   Matrix: join #why:milliways.info (and of course the milliways space: https://matrix.to/#/#milliways-space:milliways.info)


Pads can be created under https://cpad.milliways.info/ Please link here when done.

There will be monthly meetings in January, February and March 2025.
There will be bi-weekly (once every two weeks) meetings in April, May and June.
There will be weekly meetings in July and Aug.
There will be daily meetings during WHY.


Add yourself as a participant on our Participants page.
This list helps us with meal planning for our kitchen, guaging space needed at the site and feasbility of our wild ideas!



Cyber Circus

Would be great to see mc.fly's dream finally realized: A very special Milliways content stage, Firma Traktor's Opticum tent.

  • We need a quote from Firma Traktor ASAP.
  • We need to talk to MiFareLady (head of content team for why) about running our own stage and pitching the cyber circus idea.
  • We need to talk to hp197 about submitting a quote before June 19th for the stage




Milliways' famous Whiskyleaks event; Self organizing, repeating, turned into a legend. Many bottles arrive, none leave. Bring a bottle of your favourite whisky (or other spirits) and share it with other passionate drinkers. If you can’t bring a bottle, come along - bring one next time!

Suggestion; Sunday 10th Aug


Let's re-imagine NORAD's War Operation Plan Response (WOPR) SuperComputer from the beloved WarGames film as a theme befitting bar in the Milliways village at WHY!


Free Beer



Getting the right volunteers in the right places at the right times has proved challenging in the past, which creates absolute chaos.
Chaos is fine and all every now and again and certainly, it's to be expected at these events, but; in the one area we are known for, the one area we strive to deliver properly, our wonderful kitchen that provides delicious food by hardworking volunteers - is suffering due to this chaos.

How can we make this better? With our own heaven using something like the Engelsystem? other ideas?


  • Do we want to run our own Pretalx if we have our own stage/workshop/entertainment/whatever? Is it even needed or worth it?
  • Could this be built to a default template so it's easily recyclable for other events?
  • What benefit does this have above using existing infra at each event?




Milliways has attended several hackercamps in NL;