You got more tickets than you need? You have a spare ticket?
This is the place....
Please consider joining the next two ticket rounds (no voucher needed) in order to get tickets for those in need of some. 2023-11-29 20:00 (MEZ) and 2023-12-02 15:00 (MEZ). Feel free to hang out in https://jitsi.milliways.info/milliways during the sales.
needs tickets
has tickets
- mc.fly - 2 x 200 supporter tickets
- lpoujol - 1 x 175 "standard" ticket
- leibert - 1 x 175 "standard" ticket
- diox - 1 x 175 "standard" ticket
- pseudomiasma 2 x 175 "standard" ticket
- tido 2 x 175 "standard" ticket