this is the queue for vouchers for the Chaos Communication Camp 2023
the ticket situation for camp 2023
There will likely again not be a public sale, everything will go over (respwaning) vouchers. This means we need to plan properly, everyone who wants to come should be on the voucher list.
This means there will be a massive shortage of tickets and we won't get the amount of tickets that we usually are able to retrieve through the old voucher system. This voucher system will be only used on the camp as far as I know and that is due to the shortage of tickets which will be at the same number as last time in 2019.
So to speak out the ugly truth we will have to prioritize some people over others - that just is the consequence out of the situation.
I will therefore prioritize people who commit to do something for milliways on the camp and then people who have done something for milliways in the past and then try to come up with something fair for the rest of the vouchers. I do not feel well by this and are open to other suggestions in how to proceed there but its the best solution we have come up with so far.
- Mc.Fly
- ryd
- pandora
- malaclypse
- Nina
- Haegar
- fellmoon
- sihuse
- carton
- carton's +1
- hanemile
- Nyx
- Foxboron (sigsegv)
- Jarl (sigsegv)
- Andy (sigsegv)
- willscott
- willscott +1
- sjur (sigsegv)
- coderobe
- boreq
- Nyx + 1
- kgz
- qt
- qt + 1
- Panda (sigsegv)
- JimGM0UIN + 1
- svimanet (sigsegv)
- cqc
- Meg (kekhmet)
- Giles
- cookingroffa
- +1
- +2
- ilja
- vito
- Kite
- Jitka
- Jitka +1
- Theodor
- Leopold
- tuxcoder
- tuxcoder +1
- xw (Matt T)
- cy
- Salt
- Salt +1
- smash
- smash +1
- kessy
- macker
- macker +1
- maltman23
- assa
- pandora
- kiboneu
- kiboneu +1
- KutmasteR
- KutmasteR +1
- awgh
- awgh +1
- Premio
- Premio +1
- blane
- noegip
- noegip +1
- leibert
- leibert + 1
- hackfoo/@helpmerob w/+1
- hackfoo +1 (panda88)
- pukingmonkey
- JeffE
- JeffE +1
- Julian
- Julian +1
- OpenFly
- Cobolt
- Cobolt +1
- Cobolt +1
- tprg
- tprg + 1
- firel0x
- firel0x+1
- Shepherd
- b9punk
- jack radical
- souterrain
- TheRatExpert
- Leyi
- Laura
- Aernout
- Vicky
- Emerson
- Vyrus
- Vyrus +1
- Noor @ pixelbar
- Noor +1 @ pixelbar
- NinjaLikesCheez - pixelbar
- Adam
- Leo || Janis
- Bere
- mirsal
- mirsal +1
- mirsal +2
- sneak (coming from berlin, can bring supplies/people/equipment/vehicles)
- kat (sneak +1)
- Sir_16-Bit
- phar
- mdmove
- boreq +1
- boreq +2
- V
- Crypt
- Crypt +1
- gramels
- gramels +1
- gramels +2 (kid)
- gramels +3 (kid)
- ottr
- ottr +1
- shill
- mira
- tj
- tj+1
- tj+2
- hibby
- hibby+1
- n0p [spaniard]
- n0p's +1 [spaniard]
- JulioSDDR [spaniard]
- Thekix [spaniard]
- marcin
- marcin +1
- marcin +2
- SuperQ
- SuperQ +1
- SuperQ +2
- j5
- j5 +1
- j5 +2 (kid)
- j5 +3 (kid)
- sudo (sigsegv)
- Maes [spaniard]
- Hunterkll
- Hunterkll +1
- millaguie [spaniard]
- millaguie +1
- millaguie +2 (kid)
- JorgeCM (n0p's +2) [spaniard]
- Anyae [spaniard]
- jomoza [spaniard]
- kx1z0 [spaniard]
- pastitas [spaniard]
- ReD [spaniard]
- Vd
- mr.xkr [spaniard]
- Buker [spaniard]
- sleepyentropy
- sleepyentropy +1
- greyman
- m0wer [spaniard]
- oscu23 [spaniard]
- Vivorexs [spaniard]
- LeakingBot [spaniard]
- Goat
- Grufwub
- d3vv3 [spaniard]
- GoDieNow [spaniard]
- awtnmy
- kraln
- kraln + 1
- sharebrained [toorcamp]
- sharebrained +1 [toorcamp]
- alex/pilo
- alex/pilo +1
- Accelocomodator [toorcamp]
- jukka (via willscott)
- dan (via willscott)
- miketango
- miketango +1
- dr4c4n
- dr4c4n +1
- squidget
- squidget +1
- squidget +2
- final
- fox
- io
- securelyfitz
- securelyfitz +1 (kid)
- securelyfitz +2 (kid)
- Armin
- Armin +1
- blmt
- blmt +1
- blmt +2 (kid)
- Panda +1
- Panda +2
- Panda +3
- Panda +4
- Panda +5
- Panda +6
- jaml
- Synk [spaniard]
- HelenLeigh (plus below volunteers if there is space)
- HelenLeigh +1 (pdp7 Drew, volunteered at many previous CCC and EMF events)
- HelenLeigh +2 (lasermistress Claire from Toorcamp/OSHWA)
- HelenLeigh +3 (majenta strongheart from Hackaday/Supercon)
- HelenLeigh +4 (darcy neal from Toorcamp/Trash Hackers)
- Bart / qwaxys
- Morganamilo
- Morganamilo +1
- cnm
- hanemile +1
- trimetilo [spaniard]
- trimetilo +1 [spaniard]
- vdo [spaniard]
- Mikko [spaniard]
- shadghost
- icar0 [spaniard]
- Balkian [spaniard]
- 6eau
- 6eau +1 (QSV)
- 6eau +2 (QSV)
- Rok [spaniard]
- Julie (Friend of Nina) +2 kids (11 & 12)
- Shadow
- Shadow +1
- Shadow +1
- Quorth
- Quorth's +1
- shardy
- Skrizi
- Nina +1 (Andreas)
- Sannoso
- ryd +1
- fieldOfView (Pixelbar)
- spigot
- spigot +1
- OS (Omega Verksted)
- genevieve
- genevieve +1
- genevieve +2 (person that got hosed by fraudulent hacker secret santa participant)
- Nomad [spaniard]
- special (via willscott)
- special+1 (via willscott)
- ethulhu (w/ Allie)
- Allie (w/ ethulhu)
- lyz [spaniard]
- musalbas
- musalbas +1
- verschdl (cy)
- redundantje (cy)
- honnel (cy)
- nexos (cy)
- hase (cy)
- jo (cy)
- zivi (cy)
- benny (cy)
- alina (cy)
- spamcollector
- spamcollector +1
- spamcollector +2