Coming to emfcamp 2022?
Milliways at emfcamp 2022 will happen.
Please add yourself to the travel candidates:
travel candidates
- emerson
- cobolt
- leshadow
- mc.fly
- carton (available either 28th or 31st, not sure yet. I have to leave on 5th.)
- Freeside (number of people pending, currently minimum 5)
- Freeside #2
- Freeside #3
- Freeside #4
- Freeside #5
- firel0x (possibly +1)
- gramels
- gramels #2
- gramels kid
- gramels kid #2
- marcin +1 (possibly +2)
- marcin +1 (possibly +2)
- meg
- giles
- firel0x (possibly +1)
- marcin +1 (possibly +2)