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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
10:09, 18 June 2024 Why2025-map-satellite.jpg (file) 1.67 MB Obsidian   1
10:03, 18 June 2024 Why2025-map.jpg (file) 1.95 MB Obsidian   1
10:54, 17 June 2024 WHY-Moodboard chosen.png (file) 336 KB Obsidian WHY2025 provisional moodboard for style. 1
08:43, 17 June 2024 Why25-fieldday-photos.png (file) 1.7 MB Obsidian the WHY25 map with basic overlay of where overview photos were taken during the WHY25 fieldday on June 15th and in which direction they were taken. 1
08:38, 17 June 2024 Why25-fieldday-011.jpg (file) 1.38 MB Obsidian A view taken looking north east from the southern artificial terrace, looking back across the southern artificial terrace. 1
08:36, 17 June 2024 Why25-fieldday-010.jpg (file) 1.41 MB Obsidian A view taken looking south west from the southern artificial terrace, looking toward the main event area. 1
08:35, 17 June 2024 Why25-fieldday-009.jpg (file) 1.59 MB Obsidian A view taken looking north east from an artificial feature housing the main electrical and water hookups, looking toward the the artificial terraces. 1
08:35, 17 June 2024 Why25-fieldday-008.jpg (file) 1.7 MB Obsidian A view taken looking south east from an artificial feature called 'The Firepit', looking toward the the southern artificial terrace. 1
08:31, 17 June 2024 Why25-fieldday-007.jpg (file) 1.13 MB Obsidian A view taken looking south west from an artificial feature called 'The Firepit', looking toward the main event area. 1
08:30, 17 June 2024 Why25-fieldday-006.jpg (file) 1.72 MB Obsidian A view taken looking north east from between the artificial terraces, looking at flooding from prolonged rains. 1
08:29, 17 June 2024 Why25-fieldday-005.jpg (file) 1.55 MB Obsidian A view taken looking south west from the northern artificial terrace, looking toward the main event area. 1
08:28, 17 June 2024 004.jpg (file) 1.1 MB Obsidian A view taken looking south west from the main access road, looking at the main entrance gate. 1
08:27, 17 June 2024 003.jpg (file) 1.26 MB Obsidian A view taken looking north east from the main access road, looking across a paddock towards the main road and proposed parking area. 1
08:27, 17 June 2024 Why25-fieldday-002.jpg (file) 1.15 MB Obsidian A view taken looking north from the main access road, looking across a paddock towards the main road and proposed parking area. 1
08:18, 17 June 2024 Why25-fieldday-001.jpg (file) 1.46 MB Obsidian A view taken looking north west from the main access road, looking towards the main entrance gate. 1
09:13, 6 June 2024 Milliways Final dome benches.pdf (file) 199 KB Hanemile A detailed plan of the dome benches (measured from the existing ones for the mainland EU dome) 1
21:59, 4 June 2024 Emf 2024 coin.jpg (file) 799 KB Boreq   1
12:50, 14 May 2024 Crate005.jpg (file) 242 KB Obsidian   1
12:30, 14 May 2024 Crate004.jpg (file) 186 KB Obsidian   1
12:24, 14 May 2024 Crate003.jpg (file) 177 KB Obsidian   1
11:37, 14 May 2024 Tent repairs.png (file) 1.1 MB Obsidian   1
13:43, 7 May 2024 Crate002.jpg (file) 235 KB Obsidian   1
13:42, 7 May 2024 Crate001.jpg (file) 415 KB Obsidian   1
13:41, 7 May 2024 50mcablereel.jpg (file) 256 KB Obsidian   1
13:40, 7 May 2024 Scotcon-Hammock.jpg (file) 174 KB Obsidian   1
12:43, 7 May 2024 Weeze-to-EMF.jpeg (file) 470 KB Obsidian   1
18:21, 6 May 2024 WeezeStorage20240405-05.jpg (file) 118 KB Obsidian   1
18:21, 6 May 2024 WeezeStorage20240405-04.jpg (file) 123 KB Obsidian   1
18:21, 6 May 2024 WeezeStorage20240405-03.jpg (file) 137 KB Obsidian   1
18:21, 6 May 2024 WeezeStorage20240405-02.jpg (file) 130 KB Obsidian   1
18:20, 6 May 2024 WeezeStorage20240405-01.jpg (file) 120 KB Obsidian   1
13:37, 16 January 2024 Flags at emf2022.jpg (file) 928 KB Boreq   1
13:33, 16 January 2024 Milliways at cccamp2019.jpg (file) 683 KB Boreq   1
13:20, 16 January 2024 Dont panic.jpg (file) 49 KB Boreq   1
13:18, 16 January 2024 Emf 2022 bright.jpg (file) 609 KB Boreq   1
13:13, 16 January 2024 37c3.jpg (file) 595 KB Boreq   1
13:11, 16 January 2024 Camp 2023 night.jpg (file) 370 KB Boreq   1
13:11, 16 January 2024 Camp 2023 day.jpg (file) 629 KB Boreq   1
08:52, 26 December 2023 37C3 Hardware Hacking Area.jpg (file) 120 KB Maltman23   2
00:26, 19 December 2023 35C3 LEDstrip tunnel.jpg (file) 229 KB Maltman23 Photo by Mitch Altman 1
00:24, 19 December 2023 LEDstrip.jpg (file) 45 KB Maltman23 Photo from Adafruit 1
21:37, 7 October 2023 Weeze-bunker-inside-2.jpeg (file) 994 KB Weeze storage - inside the bunker after everything is inside 1
12:39, 7 October 2023 Weeze-storage-PARs.jpg (file) 191 KB Boxes of Boxes of PARs 1
12:35, 7 October 2023 Weeze-storage-washers.jpg (file) 117 KB PAR Bar, Washer, 18x18W RGBA-UV, DMX512 1
12:34, 7 October 2023 Weeze-bunker-inside-1.jpg (file) 275 KB Weeze storage - first view in the bunker 1
12:32, 7 October 2023 Weeze-bunker.jpg (file) 411 KB Weeze storage bunker from the outside. 1
21:47, 10 August 2023 Learn to Solder GPN21.jpg (file) 638 KB Maltman23 Learn To Solder workshop at GPN21. Photo by Mitch Altman. 1
21:45, 10 August 2023 Solderbadge White and Blinky ON v2.jpg (file) 626 KB Maltman23 "I Can Solder" Badge kit, assembled. Photo by Mitch Altman. 1
20:35, 10 August 2023 ArduTouch.jpg (file) 503 KB Maltman23 ArduTouch music synthesizer board, fully built. Photo by Mitch Altman. 1
20:32, 10 August 2023 ArduTouchWorkshopEMF.jpg (file) 688 KB Maltman23 ArduTouch workshop at EMF Camp 2018. Photo by Mitch Altman. 1
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